About Me

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Hello! The following is a short introduction thats meant to give a general info about me to the people that stumble on this site.

Hailing from Kerala, India, I’m currently a final year undergrad student studying Computer Science in Amrita University. I spend time with neural networks and PyTorch when working and linear algebra when studying. This has allowed me to work on many interesting research and open-source projects in the field of AI. Currently I am working on a Medical-AI Research project and have also contributed to DeepChem as part of Google Summer of Code 2024.

I read a lot of books, blogs, papers and am always looking for new things to learn โ€” checkout my Bookshelf to see what I’ve been reading lately. I also play table tennis, swim and go kayaking. Apart from English, I know Malayalam and am currently learning Hindi and French using Duolingo and by talking to friends. Talk to me about Deep Learning(AI), Tech Stuff, Philosophy, Movies, Books, Dogs, or anything that you find interesting. I’m always up for a good conversation.

I’m an active member and mentor of the student-run FOSS club amFOSS where I stay back after college to work on my projects, particpate for hackathons and organise events. Being a part of this club has helped me get exposed to the tech world and allowed me to meet and interact with a lot of amazing people.

If you are interested in the work I do, check out my GitHub profile https://github.com/gauthamk02 or my CV. You can reach out to me at gauthamkrishnanpriya@gmail.com. Also follow me on Twitter @gaushn_ to read my random thougths and rants.

My Current Works

Research Intern at TeXNano: ๐Ÿ”—

Member of the EUSML project that works on building AI-assissted tools for the Endoscopic Ultrasound(EUS) procedure. EUS is a complicated procedure that takes a lot of time to master and we collect annotated data of the procedure from experienced doctors and are building an AI model that can detect the stomach stations accurately in real-time during the procedure. My responsibilities in the project include maintaining the dataset generation pipeline, model training/evaluation, researching new & existing methods, and maintaining the codebase.

Past Works

Google Summer of Code 2024 - DeepChem: ๐Ÿ”—

DeepChem is a Python library for machine learning and deep learning on molecular and quantum datasets. I contributed to the library as part of GSoC 2024 for the project Torch Compile and Pytorch 2.0. You can chckout the Project Report for the technical details of the project. I have also made significant contributions to the library in the past such as porting Progrssive Multitask Model from Tensorflow to PyTorch, fixing bugs etc.

Research Team Member at Tech4Good Lab, UCSC ๐Ÿ”—

Worked on the ai-economist project under Tech4Good Lab that uses multi-agent reinforcement learning for modelling apprenticeship learning. The project constructs diferent scenarios of apprenticeship, mentoring, government policies and simulate them using RL to find and interpret the results.

ACM Internship ๐Ÿ”—

Researched different methods of Sample Size Determination to predict the sample size required to train a Machine Learning model to achieve a certain accuracy and explored various algorithms and evaluated their effectiveness in different scenarios. As part of the research I also explored McNemarโ€™s and other statistical tests for determining the better-performing model.